Friday, 20 September 2013

Oh the Adventures that Await

As is probably a common theme on these little websites, keeping up with the blogging is a lot harder than originally thought.  I am aiming for one a week but that is just not happening these days.

Planning adventures is always fun and exciting but going on them is another matter.  I am slowly getting more extreme which is making everything more and more fun and hopefully soon I will have learnt a lot about myself and will have many amazing stories to tell (not really of the people I have met on these adventures as you will soon see)!!

The Imminent One 

The next adventure will be to either Morocco or Winter Mountaineering in the Torridon Mountains, Scotland.  I really hope that Morocco comes off as our aim is to rock climb (free climb) 500-800 meters of vertical cliff face with the possibility of ice climbing the top few pitches.  

This means sleeping and living on a portaledge on the cliff face.
This will hopefully last a whole week including the driving to the National Park, walking to the cliff and the return journey after a successful climb.
If we go to Scotland we might have an expedition involving Pac-rafts which would involve walking for days across the barren Scottish wilderness, doing the odd mixed winter route up a crag followed by a raft down a river, very much inspired by Alastair Humphreys (  Either would be great and amazing.  

Other adventures in the mix - Canoe trip around Canadian islands, bike trip around Eastern Europe, walk across a desert pulling a sled, possibly a sailing trip somewhere as well as many mini adventures.

Nothing else really going on for the moment but looking forward to a well earned week off next week...aaahhh

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