Sunday, 30 June 2013


So I have been away, not abroad but 'sorting stuff out' as I seem to do a lot of.  Nothing is simple at the moment and a lot has happened, changed and is happening with a whole load of 'stuff' still to come on down from the airy sky of the future into the material moment of the now.

I find it interesting to see how people react and interact with their environments and the direction in which other people take in life - musicians, outdoors sports athletes, bums, my brother (who is a gamekeeper and has just moved out of home), my friends who have ll moved into London, self employed outdoors instructors/ropes access friends, farmers and the people who are lost in it all.

Hearing of an ex moving out to work in South America who once seemed quite lost all those years ago and my brother who lives a life of relative solitude but and needs to 'snap' back into the world of the living makes the mind think of what is, should, could and would be.  Being only a snapper at 24 and the whole of the proper adult life to look forward to; this is a time to find what makes someone tick and to become comfortable and happy in a lifestyle.   

What lifestyle would be your ideal right now and what is stopping you?

Lifestyle:  I would be a travelling climber, musician and adventurer learning languages by living in a country with a small bohemian house in the south of France near the Alps and a main house in Yorkshire which I designed myself from scratch.  I would brew beer and make some wine and be as self sufficient as possible.

Stopping me:  Money mainly but a little more guts would help (also not having to let people down would hep kick start it) 

Half way up the 40m route and the worst still to come, quite a bulge coming up.  The two pointy noses in the background is the climb featured in the picture below of which I am under the first nose, June 2013

The first bit of gear in a classic 3* route at Whitestone Cliffes, North Yorkshire, June 2013